Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tasty Tuesday

Sabi is so hot. And her music makes me want to dance. She can sing to me anytime

Friday, July 27, 2012

From my Kitchen Friday: Mocha Brownies

Oh. My. God. Post 100. I'm sorry this is so late. I decided I was going to take a short nap after I got off work. It turned out not to be so short. Anyway, For such a momentous occasion I decided my time will best be spent talking about chocolate.

Inspiration: I really wanted a java chip frappucino today, which I couldn't go get because I was stuck at home. So I really needed a chocolate/coffee something...anything really


  • Your favorite boxed brownie mix or use whatever your go to scratch recipe like this one.
  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 2 packets instant expresso powder ( If you don't have packets teaspoons will suffice. I'd use four but it's up to you)
  • 1/4 cup of powdered sugar
  • Mini chocolate chips (optional)

  1. If you're using a mix prepare following provided instructions...same goes for the scratch recipe just add the expresso (2 tsp) at the very end.
  2. While brownies are baking pour heavy cream in a clean bowl and whip with remaining powdered sugar an expresso .
  3. When brownies are completely cooled top with whipped cream and mini chocolate chips
  4. Enjoy :)

  • For presentation I bake mine in cupcake liners so everyone has the same amount of brownie. Portion control is important folks
  • There will be a tense moment when you think the whipped cream won't whip...or that you've done something wrong. Give it some time . You'll be fine. If the whipping cream doesn't work for you...feel free to use Cool Whip. No judgement here
I send you love from my kitchen. Happy Friday

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Rape the Replay Wednesday

So I just realized that this is post 99 for me. Wow. I never actually  thought that I would make it this far. To keep up with this for this long not counting the long periods of nothing. I'm proud and I appreciate everyone who even looks at my blog let alone follows the thing. Thanks. Lament. Lament. Moving on. This week I give you....

This song live....one of the best things on the planet. Like sex in your ears. Listen, Learn & Love people. Share it with your significant others. And please...for me...Rape the Replay

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Slam Saturday

Like I've stated before I have an immense love for slam poetry as well as an immense fear of ever actually doing it myself. So since it's Slam Saturday I'm going to share some of my favorites with you. While some of it can be really serious I thought our first foray could be light...and a little cheeky.

My best friend turned me on to Rives. This was the first poem of his I heard and 2 years later I still check it out regularly. Do you like it? Happy Saturday

Friday, July 20, 2012

From my Kitchen Friday: Black Bean Chicken Chilli

Hey lovely people,

It's the end of the week and time for the first installment of FMK Friday. Sadly I won't have pictures taken by me this time around because I worked all week...actually I have to work later but I am committed to this. And I'm going to prove it.

Inspiration: The White Bean Chicken Chilli from Olga's Kitchen. Pair that up with a spinach pie and you have the  best lunch on the planet.

Tweaked because: I'm a rebel and I do what I want. Personally I prefer black beans over white beans but you can use whatever you like.


  • Chicken Breasts (I use 3) diced
  • Salt
  • Pepper (red and black)
  • Cumin
  • Chilli Powder
  • Garlic powder
  • Bacon (3 strips...plus 1 for snacking)
  • Corn (1 can or small bag frozen)
  • Black Beans (1 can)
  • 3 pepper and onion blend (found in the frozen food section.)
  • Jalapenos *optional*
  • Reduced Fat Mexican shredded cheese
  • Tortilla Chips *optional*

The best thing about this recipe is that it's a one pot thing. You just  throw it into a pot and let it all go. Usually when I make it I end up feeding four or five people depending on their appetites. Plus it doesn't take long to cook however I will say the longer it simmers the better and it's phenomenal on the second day.

*This dish is cooked on medium heat at all times. Unless specified*

  1. Brown bacon in the bottom of pot. Remove when cooked through leaving drippings at the bottom
  2. Season raw chicken breast with salt, pepper, and cumin then drop it into the pot. We're seasoning in layers so don't be too heavy handed at this point. Stir
  3. When chicken is almost completely cooked through add peppers and onions. Season with all aforementioned seasonings. stir.
  4. When peppers soften add your corn. Season and stir
  5. Add black beans (liquid and all). Season and stir
  6. Cover pot and let simmer on low for 15-20 minutes.
  7. Lift cover and 1/4 cup of reduced fat cheese and stir.
  8. *Once cheese is completely melted add jalapenos (I used pickled )
  9. Remove pot from heat and add your reserved bacon (crumble it in)
  10. Serve with tortilla chips and a dollop of reduced fat sour cream *optional*
This recipe is always a hit at my house and you don't have to spend all day at the stove. (Even though I love doing that) Try it out and see how it works for you. Send some pics. Tell me your ideas. I send love from kitchen. Have a great weekend

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Getting my life together

I shall tell you a secret internet. A few months ago I was on Weight Watchers. From the time I started until the time I closed my account I had lost 20 or so pounds. I loved the way I looked and the way I felt. But I go complacent. I got lazy. Currently I'm around 187-190. When I originally started WW I was 210. This isn't bad. What is bad is that when I closed my account I was 183. So that means in the last two or three months I have gained 5-8 pounds. A pair of jeans that used to swim on me a bit are feeling a bit snug. I DON'T want to go backwards. I don't want to be that big again. Now I have had people say to me the I wasn't that big.( I'm chest heavy) But that wasn't the point. I felt big. I felt terrible. I didn't like what I saw when I looked in the mirror. So I'm resolving to get back on track. Right now. This second. And I'm going to hold my self accountable to all of you. I need all the help I can get. Join me on this journey? I love you for stopping by.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Rape the Replay Wednesday

Alright guys, it's Wednesday again and you know what that means. It's music time. Today I'm presenting you with someone I can't believe I haven't done before. Like really, what's wrong with me? I love him so much. So without further ado please enjoy

Jason Mraz....I've loved him since I was 13. His voice is butter to me. And I get to go see him live next month sometime. I'm beyond excited. If you don't know who he is I'm almost positive you live under a rock. Get with the times man. List, Learn and Love people. And please do...for me...Rape the Replay

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tasty Tuesday

Mmmm. I love Dita. She has this Bettie Page thing going on that is soooo hot. You're welcome 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Greetings from the outside world

It's amazing to me how far away people can be all of a sudden. I know what I said before but it amazes me how Koala and I can't even be in the same general area anymore. All of the conversation is stilted and awkward. I guess I get what I give. I don't really know what I expected. I'm glad that there isno real pretense. Other people might say we're cool but we both know the deal. I didn't think we'd be here in a million years. Cest la vie I guess. I love you for stopping by.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Rape the Replay Wednesday

Let's talk Broadway babies. Do you love musicals. I do. Like a lot. So I'm returning to this with a bang. Please enjoy

Popular... you're gonna be popular. I say this to my blog every day. Okay not really but this song has been stuck in my head for the last few days and of course the best way to come back to this with Kristin Chenoweth. She's amazingly amazing. Did you see her in GCB? I'm really sad they canceled that show.  It's impossible not to love this. And don't worry babies Idina will get her due. Listen, Learn and Love people. And as always...for me  please...Rape the Replay

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Actual Content...I swear

Ladies and (maybe) Gents, I'm actually going to write something today. Not just post gratuitous pictures of girls. Which I will most certainly get back to at some point. But I wanted to talk. I had all these things planned for this blog and I've done none of it. But I swear to you I will.

Coming Attractions:

*Tasty Tuesday* - Hot girls...because aside from Pretty Little Liars Tuesday is boring
*Rape the Replay Wednesday* - Returning with a vengeance  because I miss it. And music is life
*From my Kitchen Friday*- I'm a little too busy to start my food blog now...bummer.
*Slam Saturday* -Spoken word is beautiful and I want to share it with you

Giving myself some kind of outline means I'll get back to posting regularly. Days not specified are opened to random musings and whatever else I come up with. You know my motto people. It's at the top (if you didn't)
I love you for stopping by XOXO

Not gratuitous. Just cool

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Well knock me on my ass then...

That's the best thing about being attracted to someone. The feeling that you've been knocked flat on your ass and you're not sure whether you should get back up. You might get yourself in trouble. *I always do* I really didn't know what today's post was going to be about. But I was surfing the interwebs and this is what came to mind. I blame Shonda Rhimes and I'll elaborate on that in a minute.

As nerve-wracking as it is I always -in retrospect- love that soul crushing nervousness that comes along with seeing someone you're attracted to. Understand that I'm not talking about the person maybe you've been watching for a while. I'm talking about that person who sneaks up on you. Why? Because you can't really do anything about it...you've been knocked on your ass.

This is why I blame Shonda. Have you watched this show? You should watch this show and then tell me you've never felt like that before. Also I ship Fitz and Livi really REALLY hard. It's wrong. Any person who can smoothly utter the line "Take off your clothes" as Tony Goldwyn does is beast in my book. And Kerry Washington...oh dear don't get me started. So tell me...who is your "Sweet Baby"?