Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Hair Saga Continues: It's not..but maybe it is

If you saw my name on an application you would assume I was a black girl. If you found my ipod just lying around or browsed through my Kindle library you most likely would not. I'm aware of this. I'm okay with this. There is no shame in being me. <=== It took me 21 years to figure this out.

Lately I've been reading a lot and hearing about how the "Natural Hair Movement" is this huge political statement that African American women are making. That they are rejecting European standards of beauty and all that hoopla. Like it's a huge huge deal right now. Which is all fine and great I guess but I find myself torn.

What about the girls who did it just because they were sick of salons, latex gloves, itchy/burning scalps.? What about the women who couldn't justify the expense in an economy like this one? What about the ladies who were just sick of all the work? Not to say that being natural isn't work because it is...its just different.

Like I've stated before I read a good amount of hair blogs and almost every single one I feel this urgent hammering. The constant blare of  "I'M A BLACK WOMAN! LOOK AT ME EMBRACE MY BLACKNESS! I'M SO HAPPY NOT THAT I'VE EMBRACED THIS IDEA OF WHAT A CONFIDENT BLACK WOMAN IS SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE, FEEL LIKE, ACT LIKE. JOIN ME! ACCEPT YOURSELF...THIS WAY"

This is when I get irritated and go watch Jenna Marbles on Youtube. I don't need to be reminded what color my skin is. I don't need to keep being preached to about who I am. Goddamnit I've been a little black girl for a long freaking time. I know how it works. Fuck.

When I decided to do this I had no political agenda. I still don't honestly...at least I don't believe I do.  Is my natural hair a statement to the people who have called me Oreo my entire life? Am I thumbing my nose at the people who tell me that I don't sound black or act black? (what does that even mean?) I doubt  it. But sometimes I wonder.

On the list of words I use to identify myself anything that has to do with race is firmly planted at the bottom. I'm just a girl and it's just hair. Right?