Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Hair Saga Continues: Natural Nazis

Can I be honest? My hair scares me. I'm always afraid that I'll  make one wrong move and Boom! I'll be bald. Logically I know that the chance of that happening is unlikely. I'm careful about the products that I use. But I really can't shake the feeling.

My Nappy Anniversary is coming up soon. It will be a year in March and I can't believe I made it. Even if I feel like its just barely. My mom is natural girl too and I find it interesting that our approaches to it are different. We use the same products but styling is an entirely different matter. I will rock a Wash-n-Go with the quickness. Twist-outs are my best friends. (Both of which I'm getting better at doing for myself.) My mom blow drys which I never do. Which brings me to the point of this post.

Sometimes I get the urge to straighten my hair. You know to see where I am lengthwise. I have a good amount of shrinkage. So I'll be all stretched out from braids or whatever and as soon water touches my hair it's like Ta Da baldness! So I know my fro isn't really an accurate depiction of my length. So I get the urge. Then I squash it because I've been on this *No heat* train for so long I don't know how to get off.

My mom and I were talking about it and she goes "You know it's okay to put heat on your hair sometimes. It's not like you're going to take a flat iron to it every day. Don't be a Natural Nazi."

You've heard of those right? The women who believe that you can't truly be natural if you're putting heat on your hair. To which I replied "I AM NOT a Natural Nazi!" I'm just scared...and that's different.

What do you think?

P.S. I love Tresemme Natural Shampoo and Conditioner. It really makes my hair feel clean and it's not oily. I just bought this Shea Butter Deep Masque Conditioner stuff. I've only used it once. I'll come back and tell you about it.

I love you for stopping by.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Back to Reality

Break is over. Time to get back to all that fancy book learning. Part of me is really excited. Part of me is sick of trying to balance school with a job I don't even like most days. Such as life right? Baking and Pastry here I come. If I can find my camera maybe I'll post pics of what we make? Cool? I think so.
I love you for stopping by...Also Happy New Year