Friday, March 16, 2012

Words to live your life by

Found this on Diamond Gothic's Tumblr. Seemed like something worth sharing 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I went through with it *yay me*

So it has been done. The Big Chop has come and gone without much fanfare. Okay that's not true. I've been buzzing about it since I did which will be two weeks ago on Friday. And honestly it wasn't as big as I expected. My Big Chop included very little...well chopping. A few snips here a few snips there and it was over. I was surprised when I heard a voice say "Alright all the permed hair is out." I was like: "Seriously?" Was that it? I'd spent weeks spazzing out about this and I have to say that I was a little underwhelmed. Had I blown this way out of proportion? (Yes I did). Anyway I wanted to let you all know that I did do it and I'm happy. I would post a pic of it's covered up by weave. I got a sew-in. I'm still a newbie on the whole caring for natural hair thing so I figured this would be the best bet for me for a while. Sew-ins are a godsend for me because I'm lazy as all get out. Then when it's time to take them out I'll rock a twist out since I really like those. Like I said before, I want a really big fro. I don't have a twa (teeny weenie afro). My hair is just shorter than I'm used to. Taking this weave out will be interesting....

I'm using olive oil based and sulfate/silicone free products on my natural hair. I like how light they feel. What are you using? What do you recommend?  Feel free to drop me a line

I'm gonna get here one day. <3 Wynter
I love you for stopping by :)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Countdown to Goodbye: Post 10

Alright loves here we go. Get out your tissues. This is gonna be a good one. This particular post will feature more than one person because I wanted to fit everyone in...they'd take up six posts individually and I have more  people I want to get to. So without anymore fanfare let's talk Tree Hill Babies.

Character(s): Jenny Jagielski, Lily Roe Scott, James Lucas Scott, Sawyer Brooke Scott, Lydia Bob Scott, (and lastly the twins) Jude and Davis Baker *that's everyone...right?*

Played by: Various people (Cut me some slack finding that out would take forever)
First seen: Jenny: Season 1 Jamie: Season 4 Sawyer: Season 6  Lydia, Davis & Jude: Season 8
Last seen: Various episodes.

Character Status(es): Jenny: With Jake  Lily: Jetsetting with Karen and Andy Jamie, Sawyer & Lydia: With Lucas and Peyton. Jude and Davis: Being adorable in Tree Hill with Brooke and Julian.

Miss. Jenny Jagielski
The always adorable Miss Lily Roe Scott
The incomparable James Lucas Scott

The extremely epic Miss Sawyer Brooke
Nathan's little brunette beauty Lydia Bob
The heart melting fabulous Baker boys.

How can you not love these kids? We've been through a lot with them. With Jenny we had to deal with Nikki. Both Lily and Karen almost bit the big one and then there was Keith or rather the lack of him. With Jamie we've been through hell and back (I'm glaring at you Dante. You too Skank Nanny Bitch.*) Sawyer had your heart before she even left the womb. We've been rooting for the Davis and Jude since day one. Lydia and Jenny are our only non traumatic births. I think a spin off featuring all of the kids would be great. Don't you? They'd rock that little town just like their parents did.  And you know you love watching them be parents. I really appreciate the time jump now.

Usually I would put my favorites scenes up but there are seriously too many. I'll just keep my hope for a spin off alive. Someone start a petition! All of the Tree Hill babies have a place in my all of our hearts.

Jenny Jagielski
Lilly Roe Scott
James Lucas Scott
Sawyer Brooke Scott
Lydia Bob Scott
Davis Baker
Jude Baker

*Let it be known that I love Torrey Devitto who plays Nanny Carrie a.k.a. Skank Nanny Bitch. She's an amazing actress and very beautiful. I just wish she'd play someone I didn't hate.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Getting Back on Track

Hey kiddies. Did you miss me? I missed you. I wanted to put a few things out there.

1. I'm on break now so I can go back to posting regularly
2. I'm doing my Big Chop tomorrow. I've officially moved past fear to excitement
3. I'm now 100% sure that my food blog will be up by May.
4. They're revealing who A is on PLL (I couldn't contain my excitement)

I'm still here people just bear with me