Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Hair Saga Continues: Natural Nazis

Can I be honest? My hair scares me. I'm always afraid that I'll  make one wrong move and Boom! I'll be bald. Logically I know that the chance of that happening is unlikely. I'm careful about the products that I use. But I really can't shake the feeling.

My Nappy Anniversary is coming up soon. It will be a year in March and I can't believe I made it. Even if I feel like its just barely. My mom is natural girl too and I find it interesting that our approaches to it are different. We use the same products but styling is an entirely different matter. I will rock a Wash-n-Go with the quickness. Twist-outs are my best friends. (Both of which I'm getting better at doing for myself.) My mom blow drys which I never do. Which brings me to the point of this post.

Sometimes I get the urge to straighten my hair. You know to see where I am lengthwise. I have a good amount of shrinkage. So I'll be all stretched out from braids or whatever and as soon water touches my hair it's like Ta Da baldness! So I know my fro isn't really an accurate depiction of my length. So I get the urge. Then I squash it because I've been on this *No heat* train for so long I don't know how to get off.

My mom and I were talking about it and she goes "You know it's okay to put heat on your hair sometimes. It's not like you're going to take a flat iron to it every day. Don't be a Natural Nazi."

You've heard of those right? The women who believe that you can't truly be natural if you're putting heat on your hair. To which I replied "I AM NOT a Natural Nazi!" I'm just scared...and that's different.

What do you think?

P.S. I love Tresemme Natural Shampoo and Conditioner. It really makes my hair feel clean and it's not oily. I just bought this Shea Butter Deep Masque Conditioner stuff. I've only used it once. I'll come back and tell you about it.

I love you for stopping by.

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