Thursday, June 30, 2011

Joie De La Lecture*

Do you love books? I love books. Let's talk about books okay? Okay cool

Out of the six books that I've had on my roster I've finished three of them but I want to talk about two of them in particular. I finished both of these books in the last week or so and the endings stick with me. My mood goes from enraged to confused depending on which book you ask me about.

First up is: Bastard out of Carolina by Dorthy Allison

I know a lot people have probably seen the film adaptation of this book. Starring the lovely Jena Malone However I think it might be more famous or infamous based on how many people flat out refuse to read or watch it. Well allow me to join the ranks of the few and proud who have done both. And honestly people there were times in both instances when I thought I wouldn't make it to the end.

This book is by far the most disturbing thing I have ever read. I went into this thinking that there was no way that this book could be more disturbing than the film. Newsflash: I was WRONG.

Do me a favor dear reader and watch 4:57-9:52. Can you stomach it? I have to say that I was happy as hell when Bone's uncles beat the shit out of that son of a bitch. It was by far my favorite part of the entire film. Now that you are armed with this knowledge I can explain to you why the book enrages me so. I watched the movie before I read the book. I knew how this was going to end. That didn't change the fact that I kept hoping that Anney would grow a damn brain. I kept hoping that she would leave that puss bucket and do right by her daughters which is what she preaches about all the damn time. But that didn't happen. She was even more infuriating in book form. I also have to point out how twisted Bone's way of thinking became as the book went on. It was frightening and painful and... honest

That's the one positive thing I can say about this book. And it really isn't a compliment. Bone's voice is so real . There isn't any sugarcoating or any fancy words. It's just her. I cannot say that I recommend this book or film to anyone. I think that has to be a choice you have to make on your own. All I can say is:


And let's move on to something less dark

Hahaha See what I did there.? *crickets*
Awakened is the eighth book in the House of Night Series. If you have a penitent for vampires like I do I suggest you pick this up. Seriously it's infuriatingly good and it's not just some mushy romance novel. *cough* Twilight *cough* It actually adds to the always growing vampire mythos. There is so much mythology in this story. It has a great grasp of different cultures and histories as well as belief systems It's all blended into this amazing series of which I'm eight books into and haven't given up on. * Seeing as I don't do spoilers there isn't much I can say. After all this is book eight and some of you have yet to read book one. But the following things I have to put out there.
  1. You CANNOT put red tattoos on a Raven Mocker, through him on the cover and go through the entire book and not explain where the hell they came from! It's just not right.
  2. Dearest Dragon, I understand your pain (okay maybe I don't ) but seriously GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!
  3. WHY JACK.? Tell me P.C. ! WHY JACK.? It could've been  Erik. No one would have minded that.
 *Sigh* Books 

* Joie De La Lecture translates to "The Joy of Reading" Which I got off of a T-Shirt designed by the oh so amazing Bethany Joy Galeotti (Haley James Scott OTH) I'm broke but you should totally go buy a shirt because the proceeds go to charity and I mean come on...It's Haley!
*You're probably going to hate me for this but I gave up on Harry Potter 1 page into The Goblet of Fire


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