Friday, November 26, 2010

Imminent shutdown approaching in 5...4...3...2...

Perhaps this is karma for alll the crap I talk. Maybe it serves me right. I really don't feel like being a part of this. One sided situations don't strike my fancy. I've said before that some lessons needed to be learned the hard way and maybe this is one of them. At this point I'm not sure if I'm more upset with you or with myself. I do know that I am NEVER letting this happen again...even if that means letting you go. And if that is what you want just let me know already. This is irritating

Monday, November 22, 2010


Have you woken up one morning wondering what it was that you'd accomplished in the time you've been on this planet? Do you wonder if you changed something for someone? Have you made some one's day better? When I opened my eyes this morning I felt the strong urge to re-evaluate my effect on the world.

It is so depressing to think about how small we are in the grand scheme of things. There are billions of people on this planet. BILLIONS! The feeling of insignificance is sliding down my spinal column. It feels thick and sticky. I don't like it. Do you world? Are you even reading this?

But don't get me wrong. I'm not sad. More like inspired by my irritation. Yes that is a fragment. I know. There is only one me on this entire planet. I've always thought that this one fact made me special. That one thing makes us all special. Why not take advantage of it. We have to stand up and make the world take notice of us. How can we not?

I don't mean to get all preachy or anything but life is short. It isn't death in itself that I'm afraid of. While I want to stay on this planet for as long as possible, I'm  more afraid of dying and it not meaning anything. This is my pledge world, I will make sure that you all remember that I was here. You should make sure the world remembers that you were here.

Damn I told myself I would keep this short...anyway


We're fireworks my lovely world. Let's put on the best damn show EVER!!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Today's Dabble in Poetry

In Hindsight

Maybe it has always been this way
Perhaps it was obvious
To someone who is not a slight optimist
That something was a little strange

Past occurrences tainted by the bitter feelings attached to the present
Feeling not exactly melancholy
But resigned to unprecedented stupidity

Still this heart would like to believe
That deep down somewhere the blooming flower was not just a brightly colored weed
Misleading into perceiving beauty which in truth only served to spread and infect with its malicious intent

Its a possibility that rose colored glasses have been covering the eyes of the beholder up until this moment
Making every instance of beauty and mirth a fleeting mirage
An illusion to placate the starving heart

One day this all may be looked at through different eyes
Felt with a heart marred with more experience
Examined by a brain with more intelligence
Idealism and naivete have most likely painted stars in these eyes

So now with a detached sort of awareness one feels a dull hurt and a kind of sharp sense of satisfaction
However apparent youth happens to be in the quarreling corners
It is amazing to behold the maturity and grace that have come from the depths of this heart and mind
Yet to be explored

Maybe it was always supposed to be this way
Some lessons are always learned the hard way
There is a faint feeling of loss
Being overshadowed however by this growing sense of gain
Perspective gained by the loss of evanescent skewed adoration
The loss of rose tinted view of the situation
Perhaps the price albeit painful is fair

Maybe in the long run it is absolutely the best thing