Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Hair Saga Begins

So lets talk about hair. Do you love your hair? You should love hair. Honestly you should love everything about yourself you sexy little vixen. Yeah I'm talking to you. *Joey from friends voice* Hi you doing? Seriously though, this is about hair.

So I've been sporting a relaxer (faithfully) since I was like thirteen or so. I got my first one when I was like ten. Now on a good day when my hair was freshly relaxed or a few weeks from it, it usually looked something like this.

However I get to three or four months post relaxer and forget about being able to do a goddamn thing with it. I was one of those people who only got a relaxer once a year. I could go on about this  but let's move on. I've been thinking about going natural for months but I never really committed to the idea. Until two days ago that is. I woke up like I'm so sick of this. I'm so sick of all of it. Enjoy this list of things I hate about relaxed hair

  1. A month or two past relaxer you can't do a thing with your own hair.
  2. I have to risk subatomic burning if I happen to scratch my head before I get a relaxer
  3. Shit's expensive
  4. It smells bad (And I used olive oil)
  5. Use Spritz directly after and you almost fall out of your damn chair
  6. You can't color your hair for weeks after(Not that I've ever done it it's just the principle)
  7. Your hair is thin as fuck (And fuck bump-its)
So obviously it has not been my cup of tea. And my hair still isn't very long. I'm done with this roller coaster. While it will take some time I want my hair to eventually look like this :

The gorgeous woman to your left is Wynter Gordon. And if you don't know who she is well then shame on you! She so nice. I've met her and like oh my god I pretty much came in my pants. Ignore that. Not only is her music awesomesauce, she's really nice and really hot and has AMAZING hair!

So this is the beginning of my hair saga. Join me won't you? I need the support.


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