Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Long overdue keyboard sex

Did you check? You totally checked. Then you laughed. Save this picture if it strikes you. I like to share. Okay not really but let's pretend that I do....

Wow I can't believe that I've had this blog for an entire year.  It doesn't seem like it's been that long. This time last year I was sitting in my dorm room wishing my by then ex-roommate would spontaneously burst into flames. God I didn't like that isn't true...I did...then I didn't...her fault btw. Now I'm sitting on my couch wishing that I was back in my dorm room. Funny huh?
^My ex roommate^
So feeling nostalgic I went back and read my first post. The amount of asshole-ishness in that post was astounding to me. I'm sorry. I was having a bad week. The most interesting thing about it was the fact that I said that this wouldn't be personal. That's a huge lie. It's completely personal. All I want is for this to be a safe place. Like it says in the banner of this blog. If you haven't found something you identify with...come back tomorrow. I really mean that.

I've been through a lot of stuff that I've just been too lazy to write about. (But I made sure to share the really juicy bits with you) So I pledge to pay this blog, my beliefs and all three of my readers with more respect. I'll at least give you something pretty to look at...

In case you haven't figured it...I'm a total lez  ^_^

And good music to boot