Saturday, January 8, 2011

Well maybe it's not my weekend...nah fuck that it's going to be awesome just to spite you

So let me apologize in advance for the rant that is about to follow. It is most definitely going to be a rant because...I need to fucking rant. This is so not what this post was supposed to be about. It was supposed to be about dreams and lists and goals a la my Sparkler post a few weeks ago. This was supposed to be all uplifting and whatnot. But it won't be because I'm confused, amused, and a little irritated. So I'm going to put it out into the universe in search of an explanation. You game.? Awesome!

I think Skype might be the WORST invention on the planet. Like it is the most horrible thing ever. Okay maybe it's not. Maybe my letting my grandfather(yeah) talking me into downloading the shit was the worst thing ever. Yes. Let's go with that...

So you remember the Emo right.? If you don't go back a post or two if you do fantastic. I've addressed this person before. And I have clearly stated that no matter what I say our conversations go horribly wrong. So why, lovely universe did I decide to drive off of this cliff again? Perhaps it is due to the fact that I am a glutton for punishment. I always thought that phrase was over dramatic until...right this second. Ahhh nooo! Steer away from the melodrama...But rants are melodrama...Focus woman!

Anyway the Emo has been all homicidal lately and I decided to check on that person seeing as a certain someone asked me about it and I am delightfully nosy. I mean when some one's Skype status is "Can I Just Fucking Kill You!!!...Fucking Bitch" you get a little curious right? Right? Wrong? Whatever. So little old me decides to ask if the Emo is okay which is buy far one of the worst decisions I have made in my life since...well the last time I decided to talk to that fucking psychopath. Seriously someone needs to keep me away from my freaking computer. I try to use my Internet connection for good and it blows up in my face. Perhaps I should be a villain.

Well I'm the villain in the Emo's life story anyway. I've never addressed it in full before but we had this big knock down drag out fight over the Fruit Snack like three weeks ago. Long blah blah short I was wrong. I hurt , shocked and betrayed the Emo. I'm a bad person for liking the Fruit Snack. If I was a decent friend I would just stop liking them. I cared more about the Fruit Snack than the Emo.~insert profanity and a bunch of misunderstandings her~ Yadda yadda yadda Whatever I told my best friends about it, ate some chocolate, and went on with my life. I have not thought about any of this since like...two days after it happened because I was still trying to wrap my head around it. That was dumb by the way the Emo barely speaks decent English. Fucking confusing. Anyway. I let it go. Had a nice holiday. Had some wine on New Years...that whole deal.

Unbeknownst to me, the Emo has been letting that whole thing fester for weeks. Which of course I probably should have already known because that is what the Emo does. The Emo hasn't trusted me since this one incident at a party (of which I admit I was wrong, but not the only one to blame) and didn't come out and say it until two years later. Clearly it is a patten. I should have known this from the whole suicide attempt debacle. Honestly people don't go around telling people that you're going to kill yourself and not expect your friends not to freak and try to stop you. I mean come on how does that make sense?

So I go and ask the Emo if they are okay. They say no. Why do you care *whine* *whine* *bitch* *moan* I get called a liar, a backstabber, heartless, and lo and behold the Skype status is about me. Apparently the Emo wants to end my life. How do I respond? "OMG really.? That's fantastic!" I was literally laughing so hard that I almost dropped this expensive ass laptop. I've never gotten death threats on the internet before. It was something new and different for me. I was absolutely giddy. Or maybe shaking with irritation. I'm not sure yet. I laughed like a crazy person...scared my little brother shitless too. So I tried at three different times to stop this conversation. Partly because I was laughing so hard my sides hurt and partly because I didn't want to be rude. Okay well more rude than I was already being. I threw down my asshole card pretty hard. I went on this whole rant about bunnies and pillow pets and speed(the card game). The Emo thought I was upset. Which I thought was cute. People need to stop assuming they know what I'm like when I'm upset. They're WRONG. Let me add that during the course of this conversation the Emo had found someone to fabricate what the beginning of my relationship with ex boyfriend was like. Apparently I kissed him under some stairs while he was still dating the girl before me (WTF.?!) And I had to ask....where the fuck is the Emo getting thier information? That's not what happened at all! "People" says the Emo.  "Well people fucking lie...or just don't know what the fuck their talking about" I respond. So for the sake of whoever the hell the Emo was talking shit about me with I went to my ex and we set that record straight. It probably didn't change much but I still don't like being thought of as a home wrecker. If I was a home wrecker I'd fucking admit it because I'm an ass like that.

On top of being irritating as well as amusing the conversation had gotten creepy for me. I asked the psycho why they hadn't delete me if they hated me so much. Sine you've been such a good sport and made it to this point I will tell you what I learned. The Emo is keeping tabs on me. Trying to keep their enemies close or some shit like that. I have committed this capital offense against the Gods by breaking this magic "bond"(don't get me started) between the Emo and the Fruit Snack. I'm the most horrible person on the planet. And rather than asked me or the Fruit Snack what was going on (if anything at all) you're going to skulk around my Skype and Facebook trying to find shit to be upset about? My first reaction was...BITCH GET A FUCKING LIFE!!! But I didn't say that. I told the Emo that it was stupid and obsessive. To which I got to response  "you don't understand". And the Emo is correct. I don't understand how one person can be that fucking crazy. But I didn't say that either...

So lets recap what we've learned today kiddies:
~ I'm a liar
~I'm a backstabber
~I'm heartless
~I ruin relationships
~I'm a bitch
~That psychopath wants to end my life

But I'M the bad guy here. Makes sense don't it? I didn't think so either

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

So it's Momiji's year!!! Ahh the cuteness overwhelms me so

So it goes without saying that I was supposed to do this a couple of days ago. I got a little busy. I'm not about to say that I'm letting everything from 2010(year of the tiger) go. Because I'm not going to let it go. Last year was a crash course in human interaction and most of the time it was thoroughly painful. Just to clarify the year of the rabbit doesn't stat until February or somewhere around there... I thought you'd like to know that.

I didn't come into the holiday season in a particularly happy mood. Quite frankly I was on the verge of a meltdown. You see I'm fine with not getting what I want all the time but I felt like I was getting kicked in the teeth. I'd like to say that all that's over now but i don't know that for sure. And I really okay with that.

Did everyone enjoy their New Years? Did you drink.? Did you watch the ball drop? Did you kiss someone at midnight? I myself did all these things. Except the whole kiss at midnight thing. It was at Meijers in the middle of the day. But alas that is unimportant to this post. I'll harp more on that in a different post. I enjoyed New Years Eve immensely. I hope the rest of you did too.

I don't know if this is going to be a good year for me. However I do know that anyone who reads this is coming along for the ride with me. I must implore you to keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times. We at Adisneylandacidtrip are not responsible for any loss of belongings, limb or sanity. Remember this if nothing else my lovelies...Once we've hit the top, we've just begun.