Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Hair Saga Continues: How in the hell?!

I'm going to paint a picture for you.

Picture the following:
-Brown skin girl...about 5'4' in skinny jeans, a grey hoodie, an aqua beret, and a fabulously distressed Mossimo green satchel
- Location: The local Target...specifically the shampoo aisle
-Add bewildered expression.

And there my lovely readers you have me. I have honestly never been so lost in my life. So many bottles, so many ingredients. Damage repair...humidity defying...Silicone free...low sulfates...Color me happy...I was dizzy. As you may know I did my BC in March. So I've been natural for all of five months now. And it's been good. I can pull my hair back into a ponytail if I blow dry it which I try really hard not to do. I flying by the seat of my pants here. Trial by fire. I spend a good chunk of my time off browsing hair blogs and watching YouTube videos looking for someone to show me what to do.

Doing the BC was so liberating for me. And not because I'm on some quest to assert my "blackness". Because honestly that is the furthest thing from my mind. I think my skin color is the prettiest thing I have ever seen but aside from that I couldn't give two fucks about race. I mean...have you read my blog? Anyway, I told you all about how I didn't want to be a slave to chemicals in my first post about hair. I was just so sick of  all of it. And seeing as I had been perming my hair on and off since I was like ten I had to admit to myself that I didn't even know what my natural hair was like. I wanted...NEEDED to know. To learn.

Taking care of my natural hair is a whole new ball game for me. Like I don't even know all the rules yet and I figure I might never really know. But I am trying. I am committed to this.

Back to my Target excursion. I stood in that aisle...well there are two where I live and just stared. I read ingredient panels...some of which I couldn't even pronounce which I took as a bad sign. I eventually wandered over to the section of  the aisle that seemed to be specifically for girls with hair like mine. I picked up a jar of Miss Jessie's Whatever-the-fuck. I read the label and the ingredients...all systems go there. Looked at the price...58 goddamned dollars. For one freaking jar!

Excuse my profanity but umm...bitch no. Who the hell do you think I am? I'm a 20 year old college student with a part time job at a sandwich shop, and a cat (who's expensive as fuck btw), who's trying to move out of her mother's house. I can't afford that. And even if I could I doubt would spend that much on stuff.  I looked at Mixed Chicks, Shea Moisture, and even more Miss Jessie's even after my mini heart attack. In the end I ended up buying so Doo Gro growth oil and some Tresseme Natural shampoo and conditioner...and some some Hershey Toffee Nuggets (for emotional distress) A girl is on a budget but she does have standards. I'll come back and tell you how I'm liking Tresseme. Like I said before feel free to drop me a comment on your experiences and what you use. Help a newbie out.

I love you for stopping by


Friday, August 17, 2012

From my Kitchen Friday: Meatballs and Blasphemy

For the longest time I have had one philosophy... well actually I have a few but for the purpose of this post I have one. And it is this: Soup is NOT filling. It's just not. Seriously who gets full from soup? No one, that's who. Well until last night that is. I went against my self and made a filling soup.

Inspiration: I wanted chicken soup but not the normal kind. To the fridge I went.

  • 1lb ground chicken
  • 1 egg slightly beaten
  • 3 tbsp Bread crumbs
  • salt
  • pepper
  • onion powder 
  • garlic powder
  • paprika
  • 2 tbsp worcestershire sauce
  • Italian seasons
  • 1 bag frozen Cheese tortellini
  • Frozen Soup Veggies
  • Beef Broth
  • Chicken Broth
  • 1tbsp butter
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
* Did you catch it? We're making meat balls people. Let's get this party started

  1. In a large bowl mix ground chicken, egg, bread crumbs , worcestershire sauce, and other seasonings. Mix gently with your hands but don't over do it. Otherwise they get tough
  2. Form meatballs fairly small, like golfball size and set aside (should make at least 20)
  3. In a decent size pot heat half a box (I use the boxed kind) of chicken broth and half a box of beef broth. If you're using cans use two of each. Add your frozen vegetables. Bring to a boil over medium heat.
  4. Season broth with salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning. Once the pot is boiling add your cheese tortellini
  5.  In a skillet heat butter and olive oil. When the pan is hot add your meat balls in batches of five. Brown on one side for three minutes then flip and let them brown on the other side. Once each batch is done transfer meatballs into the pot.
  6. Once all the meatballs are in the pot turn your heat to low and cover. Simmer for 20 minutes.
  7. Enjoy :)

What.? I even have pictures this time

So good

paired with breadsticks 
  • This time around there weren't any tense moments
  • Feel free to use fresh veggies
  • If you rather not use the beef broth just double up on chicken broth

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tasty Tuesday

Sexy thy name is Carla. I know I talk about her a lot but come on! Look at her!!! 

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Slam Saturday

So much respect for this man. What do you think?

Friday, August 10, 2012

From my Kitchen Friday: Lunch Edition

So I usually don't eat much in the daytime. Which is a problem that I'm working on. If you've come across my blog before then you know that a while back I was on weight watchers. (I recently renewed my subscription by the way) So I wanted to share with you a recipe I used to eat all the time for lunch.

Inspiration: Learning not to wait until like 6 to eat something.


  • 1 whole wheat tortilla
  • 1 serving of your favorite brand turkey lunch meat
  • 2 strips turkey bacon cooked crisp
  • 1 tbsp light mayo
  • 1/4 cup reduced fat Mexican cheese
  • barbecue sauce (use how ever much you like)
  • 1 handful fresh baby spinach ( I never really measured)

  1. Stir mayo with your favorite barbecue sauce and spread onto your tortilla
  2. Press spinach into mayo spread
  3. Top with Turkey
  4. Break up your bacon just a little and sprinkle your cheese
  5. Roll and enjoy


  • Usually I paired this with veggie chips, strawberries and a diet iced tea. It's an amazing filling luch
  • Feel free to make substitutions and tell me about it

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Rape the Replay Wednesday

Do you love Maroon 5? You love Maroon 5. There's no way you couldn't. They're just so wonderful. And I'm not talking about Adam. As a whole they are a major force of talent. Fangirling aside please enjoy...

Maroon 5 - She Will Be Loved (Official Music... by vjarmanisuits

Tuesday, August 7, 2012