Thursday, September 15, 2011

So umm yeah...I've been meaning to call you but you know...

So errr...yup...hi. I've been neglecting this. Don't I start out this way a lot? Anyway I figure this is just my smoke signal post. To let you know I'm still alive and all that. I don't even have anything to rant about because I'm too fucking tired. I have no clever quips or stupid romantic problems (for once...for now...) I've got absolutely nothing for ya...sorry. This really is a waste of your time. I'll get back into this I promise. And actually be some sort of amusing at some point. Give me a few days.

Like I started school about two weeks ago now. And I've been sitting on my ass for a year so me trying to get back in the swing of it has been good. I fucking procrastinate like a fucking champ dude. I'm sorry. I'm sleepy so every other word out of my mouth is fuck. Avert your eyes kiddies and virtuous ones. My grades are looking pretty good so case you were wondering. In case anyone's reading.

Uhhhh...what else.? There's this girl I want. But there's always a girl right. Maybe I think with my lady boner (don't ask I heard it on tv somewhere) But that's not really an issue. I don't think I have a chance. Errr...I went to Uproar on the ninth and it was fucking amazing. Popped my Banana's A7X cherry. Screamed my head off. It was all good bro. 

All the TV shows I watch are on hiatus or over so now I don't have shit to do *cough*homework*cough* So I'll be back on here trying to be funny more often. I have class in a few hours so I should go. Just wanted to let you know that I'm still here. Are you with me still? Goodnight.

P.S. To Alan Ball and Marlene King,
                    WHAT THE FUCK DUDE.? LIKE REALLY.!
                                                          Sincerely, Me


1 comment:

  1. Good to know. I'd post a longer and more helpful comment, but I have no energy lately.
