Saturday, September 18, 2010

Flaws and All

So I usually try to keep these blogs abstract. I ask general question to the populus based on real life situations. But right now I'm going to focus specifically on myself. Consider this me taking time to be self-centered.

Let me first say that I really can't stand Beyonce but i heard this song yesterday and it was eerily accurate to what I've been feeling lately. I'm flawed and sometimes I try to make sure no one finds out about it.

So here's my bit. I don't like hurting people. I actually go out of my way to make sure that I don't. Problem is that I still want to do the less than intelligent things that I like to do from time to time. Maybe  don't want that isn't it. I don't want things that I do to negatively affect others. If a meteor drops on my head because I was being an idiot then I'm fine with that. I truly am.

Another thing...I'm a total romantic. I've realized this recently. Not that I am expecting anyone to make some grand sweeping gesture for me any time soon I still appreciate what my brain equates romance to be. Did I just contradict myself? This is life. I'd be confused if someone was standing outside my window with a let's be ipod dock over their heads. I'd probably call the cops. I don't want people buying me things because I might hurt them. And if I hurt you then you'd be upset you spent x amount of dollars on my behalf. It's a freaking recession so I'm being practical. Is it possible to be a romantic realist...a romantic pessimist?

I can't be in a relationship. Monogamy is most cases anyway. I am loathe to believe that anyone is worth that level of commitment. I can't even commit to a pair of underwear until they're  half way up. I sorta want to be in a relationship..sorta.. There are people that I would really love to try with but I'm always scared something that I did in the past will come back and bite me in the ass. Maybe I shouldn't do the things I do...yeah I'm just going to be good from now on... I swear.

*twiddles thumbs*

Gosh that was hard

I'm clearly a mess

Gotta love me flaws and all

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