Monday, September 24, 2012

In case you were wondering

I'm writing a novel! And no this is not something new that I just jumped into. I've been working on this particular piece on and off since I was seventeen. (That's almost four years if you were counting) I don't know if I'll ever publish it but I do know that I'm going to finish it. For me. This is something I need to see through to the end. I admit that there are days when I want to scrap the whole project. There is this little voice in my head that tells me that no one would care. That no one will want to hear the story of these two amazing, frustrating, funny girls that are with me every minute of every day. But that's okay.

Even if it sits on my computer for the rest of my life it WILL be done. My words mean everything to me. I'm a writer, a (sporadic) blogger, an aspiring chef/ physician... a hypocritical health nut (I have horrible eating habits). I have a lot going on and sometimes I feel like I just keep heaping more onto myself. Often I feel like I'm drowning but I'll figure it out. I have things to the little girl I was. To the (no-where-near) adult that I'm turning into. If you're out there...if you're interested...I'm willing to share

1 comment:

  1. Are you finishing it? Really, truly? Please say yes! Lol. I've missed them a lot.
