Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Hair Saga Continues: I'm freaking out!

I don't know about the rest of you out there but my new growth has officially taken over my head and it seems to be exiling my permed hair out on it's own. Before I even get to cut it. My new growth isn't even that hard to deal with so that's nice but now I'm afraid. I can't avoid it anymore. It's time for me to do the BC. I feel like it's  mocking me. I know there is no need to hold on to the last of my permed hair it's just so hard to wrap my head around cutting it. Honestly I don't think I have the face for short hair. (Last time my hair was really short I was in the ninth grade and I thought I looked ridiculous.) I was talking to my mom about it last night and I told her that short or not I just want healthy natural hair. It'll be easier once I'm not dealing with two different textures of hair. I went to bed feeling proud and strong. Cut to 20 minutes later and I'm on the verge of tears. What am I'm going to do with it?(My hair) I don't own earrings and accessories so how am I going to feel cute anymore? I don't want to resort to wigs.  I never ever thought I was that attached my hair. I mean it's just hair right? Why do I feel so awful.

This is by no means going to deter me from what I'm doing. I AM going to complete the transition to being a natural girl. I just wanted to be as honest as possible in this. Are you still with me? I think I need a hug.

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