Friday, May 27, 2011

For all of you who call us cripple

I am this girl

Okay no not really. I'm not pale, blonde or miniature. But I do identify myself as Chibi Marilyn. The whole point of this is for me to explain that I am who I say I am. No one else defines me. Nothing else defines me without my consent. Let me move on before I forget my point.

Like every other person on the planet I was called names growing up. Hell as far as I know people still call me names. At any given point of my life I have been called one or all of the following:
  • Cripple
  • Bow-legged
  • Retarded
  • The girl with the limp
At many points in my life I have had people say to me something along the lines of:

"I'll knock your knee back straight." <== As if it was straight in the first place
" I'll hit you so hard I'll make your foot straight" <=== So you're going to hit me in the foot? Fantastic. How about I crush your hand with my "not straight" foot.

I have this
Spastic Diplegia is the type that is most common and the type that I am afflicted. No there is no cure and yes I am fine with that. As a lot of people who have it will tell you, it's kind of just something you learn to live with. Sometimes we have to find creative ways to do things or just not do them at all. For instance, I can't cartwheel or ride a bike. I've never been able to cartwheel and I haven't rode a bike since after my second surgery when I was like eight or so. Most of the time when I get into a car I sit first then swing my legs in. Less pressure on my hips. And my life goes on. I walk , jog, skip, and run just like you.
These are braces
Until I was around 11 or so I wore these. I found the above picture on google and I think it's amazing. My right leg brace has Lola Bunny on it and is totally awesome. I've been in a wheelchair( only for a few weeks). I've been on crutches (seemed like forever) I've used a walker (that really was forever no matter what anyone says) I've had botox injected into my legs. I also went to school, made friends, made enemies and got in trouble for doing stupid kid stuff. I'm just like you.

So to all the people who have made me cry because I was different. I say FUCK YOU I'M FANTASTIC. Because I am and so is every other person on the planet who has it. So if you're reading this and you have it too know that I'm with you. Surgery sucks and I have cursed every physical therapist I have ever had to hell at one time or another. I know how you feel. I know what you're going through. I know you are amazing. Now all we have to do is let the rest of the world know it.

Use the word correctly...please and thanks


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