Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Happy Mother F*king Rev Day

Yeah so I've really abandoned this thing these last few weeks huh? I'm sure you all are missing me terribly *snort* I actually have more post ideas than I know what to do with. Couple that with the fact that I'm a little lazy and a lot indecisive and you get post droughts and post explosions <=== I think I might copyright that. There is so much that I want to say. That I need to say. I don't know where to begin.

This post won't really touch on any of my million ideas...I'm sorry. It's just that today is special. The Reverend Tholomew Plague turned 30 today. Or at least he would have if he was still alive. Actually I have a theory, he's not really dead. He just jumped off the bus, ran into the woods and went to practice his knife skills while chasing FUCKING STALLION DUCKS!!! (If that doesn't make sense take your ass over to youtube and look it up.)

For those of you who live under a freaking rock I am speaking of no other than James Owen Sullivan. The drummer of my favorite band in the entire world. A7X foREVer!!! I miss him. Which is creepy because I didn't even know him but still I do and there is probably a tribute tattoo somewhere in the future. The man was a fucking beast and I don't care what anyone says. Jimmy is and always will be a fucking legend. The hardest part of it...I think... is watching people that you idolize have to figure out how their supposed to keep going without their best friend. I can't imagine what his family is going through today. I'm having a hard time and I'm just a not a fan...THE fan. Everyone should light a candle today...and do some fucking shots. I think he would like that.

Seeing as were on the subject of my absolute favorite band I have to post about their concert. I went and it was fucking bananas. I laughed. I cried. I screamed my head off and may or may not have gotten hit on by some married dude from Pennsylvania. I'm also going to post about how I think the music industry ruins friendships. It's pretty obvious but there is a rant brewing about it in my head. Get ready.

......I know I usually have a song...but I can't...not for this...I'm going to go light my candle...

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