Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Love like Woe

The smallest of words are the hardest concepts to grasp. Explain love, hate, joy, woe. Words have so much impact on our lives and decisions. Whoever said "sticks and stones may break my bones but words can't hurt me" was an idiot. It should be changed to "sticks and stones may break my bones but words can change the world."

My understanding of these three and four letter words is limited. How many times do we claim to love our families then damn them to hell? How many times do we do this to our friends? Admittedly I have said the there are people that I hate and it would bring me great joy to see them kicked into a volcano. But in reality is it really just an outward expression of my anger at the situation and the way it was handled? Probably.

Is it possible to love and to be in love or do we do things just out of spite? Do we pursue relationships with completely pure intentions or are we answering a challenge? Will it really drive me crazy if I don't hear my name on her lips. Will I lose it if her smile isn't because of something I do or say? I probably will just because I'm extremely just myself...And that leads me back to my limited understanding. Is it like...lust..or that other word?

I'm now left to pose this question. Am I even old enough to understand four letter words? Now if you asked me to explain schadenfreude or recitivate I'm your man( catch my drift) With age comes wisdom right? But what age are we speaking of. Now that we've sucessfully survived the ass kicking that was puberty wisdom should be oozing out of our ears right? Of course not...I enjoy being young, dumb and impressionable. Most of the time anyway.

I like
I love
I lust after
I hate (I think)

Short words are too complicated for my life

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